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100% French product design

What are the symbols of 14 July?

Historically, 14 July, France's bank holidays, commemorates 2 events: the storming of the Bastille and the Fête de la fédération.

Today, it is a day of celebration, with various events taking place across the country:

  • The military parade on the Champs-Élysées in Paris is one of the highlights of the day.
  • Fireworks displays in many French towns and cities
  • Concerts and popular balls are organised in many towns and villages. The fire brigade balls are particularly famous and attract large crowds
  • Official ceremonies and receptions are held, often with the participation of local and national authorities.

Why it's important to JM Concept

At JM Concept, we are committed to our home country: France. All our products are designed and manufactured in France at our premises in Brignais (near Lyon).

In order to control our production chain, all our appliances have been designed in our design office. Our industrialisation manager then manages the feasibility and creation of the boards! They are then manufactured, assembled and wired for distribution throughout France and the rest of the world.

Promoting French products is part of our DNA, so it was a natural step for us to join the @French Fab several years ago.

A dedicated team

Everyone at JM Concept works hard every day to satisfy our customers. Whether in sales, the design office, testing or assembly/cabling, our team of engineers, sales representatives, instrument technicians, automation specialists and cable technicians are there to listen to you. They will advise and support you in the installation and implementation of our equipment for your processes.

So don't hesitate to contact us for any information and/or specific requirements.