JM Actus
Social News

You are now more than 1000 to follow us on LinkedIn

Already 1000 subscribers, a milestone

For 3 years now, we've been regularly updating our LinkedIn company page. From a company page with just a few subscribers, your are now more than 1,000 of you following us! Many thanks to you!

A closer look at this key social network

LinkedIn is the leading professional social network for the B2B sector! In July 2023, LinkedIn reported over 27 million members in France and 500,000 French companies had a LinkedIn page. In 2020, in the professional context, BtoB decision-makers in France, such as senior executives of VSEs, SMEs, ETIs and large companies, will favour LinkedIn as the most commonly used social network, with a share of 84.8%.

Source: Social Media Listening and Analytics Blog - Digimind Blog

What does JM Concept do with it?

At JM Concept, we understand this! That's why we've invested in this social network to highlight all types of news, whether technical or social. It's an opportunity for us to have a real additional showcase (along with the website) for communicating with our target audience. We communicate on our technical achievements, our major projects, our new products and our life from the inside!


Today, we passed the 1,000 subscribers mark, and we're delighted to see that you're interested in our publications! With this article, we'd like to thank you for your interest and support! Without your likes, shares and comments, we wouldn't be where we are today! Feel free to spread the word and, if you're not yet a fan and you're reading this article, subscribe to the page!