JM Actus
Application Cases

Focus on the XALIS 9200 U0 indicator

L'indicateur à relai de seuil XALIS 9200UO appliqué au marché pétrolier

The XALIS 9200 UO threshold relay indicator applied to the oil market

This device is an indicator with a universal input, a sensor power supply, a threshold relay output and an RS485 output.

As part of the control of the efficiency of the Cathodic Protection of its works on the Oil Market, SFDM uses our XALIS 9200 U0 for the display of the current and the voltage. It also uses the threshold relays of each of them for alarm feedback via a Remote Monitoring System.

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SFDM société Française DONGES METZ is specialised in the storage and transport of petroleum products

It operates pipelines for the transport of petroleum products between the various storage sites, with a pipeline linked to the TOTAL refinery in DONGES.

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To carry out the control of its works, stations with direct current supply are distributed all along the works.

This cathodic protection system limits the corrosion of the steel, when the coating fails, by keeping the structure more electronegative than its corrosion potential.

We thank SFDM for its confidence.

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